CA1 Animated GIF

By Adam Humston

Artist Statement

My net art piece reflects how the internet effects our everyday lives. I was tasked with coming up with a gif which portrays this message in a unique way. My idea needed to include elements of symbiosis and text-based art as part of the CA guidelines. My net art piece includes one character who is sleeping in his room. The gif transitions from night today and within this time we see the different social media logos fly pass the window. The reason I decided to use this idea is because it reflects that the internet is something that is connected to our every day lives. The use of the social media logos flying past the window and the time passing by indicates this in a strong way. Once I had my main illustration made, it was important that I included some element of text-based art within my design. Since my gif takes place within a bedroom, I thought having something which is commonly found in somebody’s bedroom would make a lot of sense but also wouldn’t distract the main purpose of the gif. After brainstorming for some time, I decided that having a pet as the text-based art would be aesthetically pleasing. A cat is the text-based art image I decided to go with as it’s something which would typically be found in a bedroom. I also included a glitch effect during my gif. I wanted to change the position of my character and text-based image after the effect takes place to bring the characters to life. After the glitch happens, the character in the bed turns over to face the window and the cat moves position in the room. The lighting of the room also changes to indicate the transition from night today/dawn.